Pricing information

As a retailer it is important we are informing you of critical information relating to standing offers. This information can assist you in making informed choices. It will make it much easier to compare offers from multiple providers.

Below we have set out present standing offers and key plan information and also include a link to the Energy Made Easy Website and The Victorian Energy Compare site.

To all customers our best deal is the DMO or VDO, it’s a benchmark price set by the regulators. This in all instances will be our best and only price plan. When comparing our plan to any other retailers plan, if they present their rates as a percentage below the VDO or the DMO they will be presenting a more competitive plan than ours and you may consider switching to save money.

We are not currently onboarding new customers however if you are an existing customer we recommend you switch to the Default offer as this the best price plan we currently offer. Other providers will offer cheaper plans and you should consider them.

controlled load
Residential with
controlled load
Small Business
controlled load
DMO Usage kWh Price* Usage kWh Price* Usage kWh Price*
AUSGRID 3,911 $1,827 General Usage 4,813 + Controlled Load 2,005 kWh $2,562 10,027 $4,999
ENDEAVOUR 4,913 $2,228 General Usage 5,214 + Controlled Load 2,206 kWh $2,977 10,027 $4,598
ESSENTIAL 4,613 $2,527 General Usage 4,613 + Controlled Load 2,005 $2,977 10,027 $5,761
ENERGEX 4,613 $1,969 General Usage 4,412 + Controlled Load 1,905 kWh $2,363 10,027 $4,202
* All prices include GST more information on the DMO 


Victorian Default offer flat tariffs

The Victorian Default Offer flat tariffs include a daily supply charge and a usage charge (per kilowatt hour).

Residential customers (GST inclusive)
Distribution zone Supply charge

($ per day)

Usage charge structure Usage charge

($ per kWh)

Controlled load1

($ per kWh)

AusNet Services $1.3251 Block 1 (up to 1020kWh used in a quarterly period)

Block 2 (balance of usage in a quarterly period)



CitiPower $1.1525 Anytime $0.2871 $0.2271
Jemena $1.1438 Anytime $0.3252 $0.2639
Powercor $1.3002 Anytime $0.3292 $0.2559
United Energy $1.0814 Anytime $0.3174 $0.2466


Small business customers with consumption less than 40 MWh per year (GST inclusive)

Distribution zone Supply charge

($ per day)

Usage charge structure Usage charge

($ per kWh)

AusNet Services $1.3251 Block 1 (up to 1020kWh used in a quarterly period)

Block 2 (balance of usage in a quarterly period)



CitiPower $1.3434 Anytime $0.2834
Jemena $1.3057 Anytime $0.3307
Powercor $1.4275 Anytime $0.3062
United Energy $1.2405 Anytime $0.3028


Default offer two period time of use tariffs  

The Victorian Default Offer two-period time of use tariffs include a daily supply charge and usage charges (per kilowatt hour) for peak and off peak periods.

Residential customers (GST inclusive)
Distribution zone Supply charge

($ per day)

Peak usage charge

($ per kWh)

Off peak usage charge

($ per kWh)

Controlled load1

($ per kWh)

3 pm to 9 pm (local time) everyday all other times
AusNet Services $1.3251 $0.4932 $0.2869 $0.2869
CitiPower $1.1525 $0.3719 $0.2441 $0.2271
Jemena $1.1438 $0.3925 $0.2710 $0.2639
Powercor $1.3002 $0.4265 $0.2772 $0.2559
United Energy $1.0814 $0.4120 $0.2665 $0.2466